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Pontal de Maceo - Brazil© Christophe Lepotier

Synthetic list of the best kitesurf spots in the world

Top of spots in the world

The quest for the wind

It is understood, kitesurfing is practiced with wind and the practitioners are in constant search of this natural element to satisfy their passion. That's why WhenWherekite helps them in their quest for the best spots our beautiful blue planet has to offer. But «the wind» is a concept too vague for the one who wants to sail with the only force of his breath.It is understood, kitesurfing is practiced with wind and the practitioners are in constant search of this natural element to satisfy their passion. That's why WhenWherekite helps them in their quest for the best spots our beautiful blue planet has to offer. But «the wind» is a concept too vague for the one who wants to sail with the only force of his breath.

It's like saying to a car driver: «take this car, it's equipped with a good engine». Yes, but what power? Which couple? What about times and 100m time for a stopped start? And what are the qualities and performance of the chassis? So many questions that need to be answered precisely to be relevant.

For kitesurfers, the problem is the same. To determine the choice of their destination, they need to know the wind statistics of the spots concerned. Two criteria predominate: frequency and quantity (power).

Add to the equation the type of practice, that is to say, what they will put under their feet to slip: a twintip (to make freeride), directional surf (to surf the waves) or foil (to navigate in light winds). We can add ski or snowboard if we include snowboarders. For simplicity, the practitioner can take this equation at both ends: either he seeks the maximum wind to be sure of sailing and adapt his practice to the conditions on the spot; or he looks for the most appropriate destination for the type of gear he wants to use.

WhenWherekite selection

The main point of entry for this site is the choice of the desired period for a kitetrip. For each month, it displays the ranking of the most windy kitesurf spots in the world. However, it is possible to include a certain number of criteria which make it possible to refine the search: temperature , available infrastructure around spots , best beach wind range , and more.

In this page, we have chosen to display the spots number 1 of the ranking for a given month with the following criteria: air temperature (25 ° C minimum) and with as much wind as possible (all ranges included) off the spots deemed dangerous . Of course, these results are derived from statistics, they are not fixed and remain likely to evolve over time.

The most windy spots in the world

The spots listed below are number 1 rankings per month (apart from the spots deemed dangerous) with the temperature criterion.

#1 Australia / Gnaraloo Australia & New Zealand First in january, october, december

small to big waves. Sharks. Very remote spot. / very steady wind, stronger than further south.

Extract of the article on Gnaraloo

C’est un bon spot de flat mais le vent du sud peut le rendre un peu off. Il ne fonctionne donc vraiment en toute sécurité que par sud-ouest. Bien entendu, si on dispose d'un bateau pour assurer la sécu, ce n'est plus un problème. Le long du ponton l’eau est vraiment flat et très peu profonde à marée basse. Attention au corail ! A 100m du bord il y a...

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#2 Madagascar - North / Babaomby Africa First in july, august, september

flat & choppy water, medium waves. Huge lagoon. / very strong steady wind (stronger than statistics).

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#3 Colombia / Santa Veronica South America First in february, march

flat & choppy water, small to medium waves. / very consistant, strengthening in the afternoon.

Extract of the article on Santa Veronica

Si vous cherchez le vent en février vous venez de trouver. Santa Veronica est tout simplement le meilleur spot du monde à cette période toutes catégories confondues. Vent constant (entre 25 et 35 noeuds tous les jours) et chaleur (environ 28 degrés dans l’eau comme dans l’air). Et si vous interrogez les locaux, eux vous diront qu’ils ne voient pas vraiment de différence avec janvier, mars ou avril. Il est...

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#4 The Netherlands - Caribbean / Aruba Carribean First in may, june

flat & choppy water, small to medium waves. / stronger wind in afternoon (thermal), blowing stronger than other carribean spots.

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#5 Brazil - Ceara / Icarai de Amontada South America First in november

flat & choppy water, small to medium waves. / very consistant, strengthening in the afternoon.

Extract of the article on Icarai de Amontada

Un petit village qui est maintenant incontournable dans la sphère du kite pour tous les tripeurs, il faut un peu d'historique pour comprendre comment on en est arrivé là. Je l'ai découvert en 2008, un peu par hasard, car quelques personnes " de confiance" disait : vas-y, c'est incroyable, si un jour tu ne navigues pas, Alan te paie ton repas du soir et caïpi et tout... Eh, ho c'est...

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#6 Venezuela - Margarita / El Yaque South America First in april

choppy water. Small waves. / Very steady trade wind. Increasing in the afternoon.

Extract of the article on El Yaque

El Yaque sur l’île de Margarita. Du vent, du vent et encore du vent. Le jour, la nuit, le matin, l’après-midi... du vent, toujours du vent. Meilleur spot du monde en avril et classé 7è en mars. De janvier à mai il est rare qu’El Ventilator prenne du repos. Attention au soleil ! Peaux délicates ou cuirs tannés sans protection vous risquez gros. Dès 11 heures le sable brûle sur...

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