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La Franqui - France© Arnone

Special offers for all kitesurfing professionals

Business offers

Ads on WhenWhereKite

WhenWhereKite is the independent website most consulted in France by kiters looking for information on spots around the world. The statistics of consultations displayed at the end of each page testify to this. The ads are broadcast in French (on the .fr) and in English (on the .com).

If your kitesurf activity is transverse (tour operator, manufacturer, reseller ...) an offer is especially dedicated. If you are host or manager of a school, the question of accommodation and learning is paramount when you prepare a trip kite, WhenWhereKite can signal you to a growing number of potential customers.

Depending on your budget and your professional activity, 4 offers are at your disposal: Pro, Platinium, Premium and Gold. For rates, please contact us with the forms below.

The Pro offer (for all professionals) can be combined with each of the other offers (to the hosts). Note: the Platinum offer contains the Premium offer that contains the Gold.

WhenWhereKite develops its own advertising network and displays only offers related to kitesurfing. With a design consistent with the website, your ads are naturally integrated in the pages.

Ads are seen as complementary information. Always visible, they can not be deleted by ad blockers.

Our advertisers

Castelo Vendôm Kitesurf, horseback & SPA Ecolodge in Paracuru - Brazil

Jaguaribe Kite OLK labeled kitesurf school on the lagoon beach at Pontal de Macéio - Brazil

Kitecamp Martinique Quality waterfront accommodation

Rusty Pelican Quality accommodation in a lush tropical garden with a swimming pool in La Gaulette, south west of Mauritius.

Résidence Guacamaya Residences in Santa Veronica - Colombia Luxury kite tours with epic destinations

Jeneponto - Indonesia A world-class kitesurf spot and resort in Sulawesi - Indonesia

Jawaï Kite School Event agency - organization of unforgettable experiences around Kitesurf and Surf !

Jawaï Kite School Event agency - organization of unforgettable experiences around Kitesurf and Surf !

Pro Offer

total visibility

Published on all the rankings pages

On WhenWhereKite, a page dedicated to each month of the year gives the results of the classification of the most windy spots. The Pro offer allows you to display your ad within the list of results.


The results of the rankings are presented by series of 5. Your ad appears between the first and the second of each series.

Ideal for all professionals

The advantage of the Pro offer is to appear in all rankings. As they are the main entry point of the site, you have unmatched visibility.

The Pro offer also appears on one interactive map of WhenWhereKite (+ possibly on a spot page) and on partner sites DEALkites and VideoKite.

This offer is particularly suitable for professionals who are not related to a spot or a given month (manufacturers, tour operators, equipment dealers, schools, etc.).

The single display space is shared by all subscribers of the Pro offer. An algorithm ensures the perfect equality of impressions between all advertisers.

Manage your ad remotely

You have an administration tool to manage, remotely and whenever you want, the illustration and the texts associated with your advertisement.

This tool displays prints and clicks statistics on your ad.

This is the same backoffice tool used by the other offers (see below).

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Platinium Offer

Exceptional visibility

Published on the rankings page

On WhenWhereKite, a page dedicated to each month of the year gives the results of the classification of the most windy spots. The Platinium offer allows you to display the photo of your establishment at the top of this type of page, thus benefiting from an exceptional visibility.


A single Platinium offer is available for a given month. You have the assurance of exclusivity.

Premium offer included

On the spot page that corresponds to the location of your accommodation :
1. A photo of your establishment is displayed at the top of the page.


2. your ad is displayed first and in large format in front of all other Accommodations.


Customize your ads

You have an backoffice tool to manage, remotely and when you wish, displaying the illustration and texts associated with your ad :
1. an illustration (or photo)2. a description of your services.3. promotional text (optional).


This tool gives you great freedom and remote control of the texts of your ad.

Live example...

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Premium Offer

Display your accommodation at the top of your spot page

The heading page of your spot with your accomodation

The spot pages display all the information collected by WhenWhereKite (Statistics, videos, reports, etc.). On the one that corresponds to the location of your accommodation, the photo of your establishment is displayed at the top of the page, with a clickable mention that refers to your website (or your Facebook page).


Only one Premium offer is available per page spot. You have the exclusivity of this strategic positioning.

Display on interactive map (if exist for your own spot) in the marker.

premium region

Top of all other ads

In the Accommodations section, your ad appears in large format and ranked first in the list of ads. The photo of your accomodation and the texts associated with it are all clickable and return to your website or your Facebook page.


Publication on satellite sites

Display on video.wwkite website on the spot concerned.

premium video

Customize your ads

You have a specific administration tool to manage, remotely, whenever you want and in total independence, the display of the texts associated with your ad (The description of your business, an optional promotional text and the photo of your resort).


This tool allows you to manage your ads in 2 languages (French and English). The display language is automatically selected according to the navigation language used by the visitor.

Live example...

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Gold Offer

Your ad in large format

Low price for maximum visibility

By subscribing to a Gold offer, you receive (for a very low price) a large format display in Accommodation.


Gold ads are displayed from the second position in the list after the Premium ad.

Distinguish yourself from the hosting proposed by the kiters

WhenWhereKite is a contributory site. Kiters can file notices (moderated and published by us) on establishments they have visited and wish to recommend. These posts are displayed as a list below accommodations that have purchased a Premium or Gold offer.

contrib resort

Customize your ads

You get the same administration tool for your ad as with the Platinium and Premium offers.You manage your messages independently, according to your news.


Live example...

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Petites annonces gratuites du kitesurf DEALkites

0since april 2014
0in sept 2024
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