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Type a few letters of the name of a spot, or region or country and click on an item in the list.

Pontal de Maceo - Brazil© Christophe Lepotier

Aims and aggregate as much relevant information about windiest kitesurfing spots in the world

The essential

The WhenWhereKite concept

WhenWhereKite what exactly is ?

A website who tells you where to go kiting if you tell him when you want to go. It is simple and effective. WhenWhereKite identifies the windiest spots in the world. This is the first criterion on which research is organized.

The spot pages

When you have identified a spot in the list of results, you can go directly to his page, This page is also accessible from the search command menu located at the top left of each page.For each spot you'll find a wealth of useful information to prepare your stay.

The WhenWhereKite Archipelago

WhenWhereKite is also the generic name for a small archipelago of websites and services in the middle of the web ocean.

Criterion of temperature

You can associate other criteria to your search as a nice atmospheric temperature (warm to navigate) or a wind area.


logo OLK

One Launch Kiteboarding

In November 2017, WhenWhereKite got closer to OneLaunchKiteboarding, the famous site of kitesurf tutorials managed and led by master hand by the now essential Philippe Ancelin.

logo DEALkites

This very close collaboration led us to merge certain services, especially the classifieds of kitesurfing equipment. It is now the platform DEALkites of WhenWhereKite which ensures the whole of this service.


The objective is to propose a global offer of services around kitesurf with a constant aim of improving their coherence and quality.

The services


Hundreds of videos

We search the Web for kitesurf videos give a good idea of the spots presented on this website. If there is nothing on TV tonight, you still have the 1324 videos ordered by spot.

Subscribe to the OKOU newsletter, which offers you the chance to discover every day a video spot.

See what it looks like...


Embed kite videos on your site or blog

If you want to illustrate your site, your blog or your Facebook page with kitesurf videos, this site offers you this possibility.


Create your own KiteMap

The idea is to point to a Google Map all spots where you went: see an example. You also willing an Internet link (URL) that only allows you to share your KiteMap with the world. More info here...

See what it looks like...


Video tutorials

King of spot

Show your best pictures at the top of the WhenWhereKite spot pages.

You can submit your best pictures. If selected, they will appear at the top of the corresponding spots pages.

Some details and examples...

How to participate?

Simply send an email to: info [@] with the name of the spot and the image in a good definition (2048 x 1080 minimum). We take care of the rest.


WhenWhereKite is closely associated with the One Launch Kiteboarding platform of Philippe Ancelin, the kite teacher and director of the most famous tutos in the French-speaking world.

But also...

Related services

WWKite uses the same principle and the same data than WhenWhereKite for kiters really in a hurry to leave.

Readers' corner ... and writers

Some thirty micro-news on the kitesurf to download for free, does it tempt you ? The contributing blog allows you to pop out articles on spots or post comments.

The Facebook page

Subscribe to the Facebook page of the site to be kept informed of all the latest developments and news.



Arnone, rider and artist, offers a range of original textile and respectful of the environment for all lovers of kitesurfing, gliding and more generally freedom.

Saint Jacques wetsuits

Choose a wetsuit that suits your life... This idea came from a very simple statement. As the wetsuits technology evolved over the years, allowing surfers to venture into colder temperatures, the stylish good old days look of the first watermen was long gone. At Saint Jacques we claim that the wetsuits on the market don’t have to be either black or bright colored ones.


Beautiful boards in real tree wood signed Woody. an shaper artisan.

Petites annonces gratuites du kitesurf DEALkites

0since april 2014
0in feb 2025
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